Launching Deeper is focused on helping people live the life God designed and purposed for them to live by discerning with clarity the voice of God.

Launching Deeper is focused on dismantling the mental limitations and belief systems that we have imposed on ourselves that prevent us from living our God purposed life. We are all born with seeds of greatness, and I desire that everyone pursue every seed God has placed inside them by launching into the deep.

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As much as we achieve, there is still often a tugging for something else, something more. Often this tug is the pull to launch deeper, to walk where our feet alone can’t take us.

How it came to be…

Years ago, I was watching Bishop TD Jakes, and he stated that he had one regret. That hit me and stopped me in my tracks. He said that his one regret was that he did not launch into the deep. That was one of the most profound statements I had heard from such an accomplished person. He stated that as deep as he thought he had gone, God actually called him to deeper. He said he regretted not going as deep as God had called him to go. That changed my life! I knew that if he had not gone as deep as he could have gone, then I had undoubtedly not lived a life where I had launched deeper into the purpose God had placed on my life.

Fast forward a year later, and COVID-19 hit. As a transportation and Charter bus company, my business came to a screeching halt due to the pandemic. Not fully receiving the proper amount of government funding I needed to keep my business afloat, and doors of opportunity seemingly all closing, I found myself questioning what God was trying to get me to see. So I reached out to my Pastor, Bishop K W Brown. He instructed me to spend two days quiet and in silence, listening to God. My directions were simple but again, very profound. The first day I was instructed to be silent, I started on a day where I was scheduled to join a group out of Richmond, VA doing a virtual Listening in Silence day. I knew then, God had orchestrated a divine appointment. Well, God spoke,  and those two days changed my entire life. Out of my silent time with God,  Launching Deeper Ministries was birthed.

“Use me, God. Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, and what I can do, and use it for a purpose greater than myself.”

— Martin Luther King Jr.